Wednesday 23 May 2012

Lesson Plans and Resources

Creating fun and engaging lesson plans on the concept of 'business contracts' is a task that may require creativity and many hours of research. This page contains lesson plans from other sources that I have used in my class to teach contracts. Of course it may be necessary to adapt the lesson plans to suit your objectives for the lesson as well as the learners' needs.

Drafting Contracts Lesson Resources:
Andrew Berg-Model Lesson Plan
PowerPoint Presentation
Drafting Document
Sample Contract
Worksheet 1

Elements of a Contract Resources:
Introduction to contracts
Features of a contract
Judges in the classroom
Click Here! for some case summaries that you can use to discuss the elements of contracts
This Lesson plan utilizes the format of 'The Jerry Springer Show'. Click here

Termination of contracts PowerPoint Presentation

Other resources:
Wizznotes for notes and practice questions

1 comment:

  1. I have read your article, it is very informative and helpful for me.I admire the valuable information you offer in your articles. Thanks for posting it..
    Outsourced IT
